Research is fun! In the prequel series to “The Soulbound Sorceress,” Alice’s journey takes her across all of Japan. Each of the magical Death Stones she has to find are located in or near real-world places.
#1: Aizawa, Fukushima Prefecture (Alice’s hometown, inspired by a real Japanese town I used to live in)
#2: Takachiho, Miyazaki Prefecture (the place where the sun goddess Amaterasu hid inside a cave according to legend)
#3: Matsue, Shimane Prefecture (the entrance to Yomi, the Japanese underworld)
#4: Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture (the site of Dan-no-Ura, a major battle in Japanese history)
#5: Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture (Kyoto is home to some of the most famous demons and villains in Japanese folklore)
#6: Beppu, Oita Prefecture (home of the “nine hells” hot springs and has ties to Shintoism with a shrine dedicated to the Japanese war god Hachiman)
#7: Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture (the dwelling place for many of the deadliest winter creatures in Japanese folklore such as the Yuki-Onna as well as the Ainu gods)
#8: Iriomote Island, Okinawa Prefecture (home of the Ryukyuan people and their gods)
#9: Tōno, Iwate Prefecture (a city with major ties to folklore and is the most famous dwelling place of the Kappa)