- Publisher: Wild At Heart Entertainment
- Available in: Ebook, Print
Close friends. Closer enemies. A life and love on the line.
Tasia’s new life as a reaper plunges into chaos when her soulmate Ace is arrested by the reaper elites for conspiring with vampires.
Imprisoned and charged with treason, Ace’s execution draws near.
To save Ace, Tasia will need to find a way to break into the reaper homeworld and convince old allies—and enemies—to join her side.
Here’s hoping they don’t abandon her or stab her in the back.
If that’s not enough, she’ll have to battle enemy reapers way stronger than her while uncovering the shocking truth behind the plot that drove the reapers and vampires to war in the first place.
Can she rescue Ace in time? And can she track down the villain responsible for starting the war and stop them before more lives are lost?
From the Book…
Two nights before they came to take Ace away, he proposed to me. One night before they came to take Ace away, I had my back against the wall.
A dull ache shot up my spine as I was sent flying into a shelf. My trusty scythe clattered on the tiled floor. Buckets of paint crashed to the ground. Their chalky contents spilled out, turning my cloak and the surrounding pallets into a messy rainbow.
“Red!” my fiancée cried, his own tattered mantle billowing as he ducked beside me. “You okay?”
I winced as I pushed myself by my palms. “I’m gonna have a nasty bruise on my back in the morning, but otherwise, I’m fine.”
I stood and examined my surroundings.
The two of us stood in an ocean of shelves. The smell of the spilled paint, sawdust, and cleaning alcohol swirled in my nostrils. My tongue tasted blood. Must’ve bitten it when I got knocked into the shelves.
Just ahead, white personnel carriers shone like a row of giant teeth in the blackness. All the lights in the warehouse had been completely shut off, but that didn’t bother reapers like us. In the midst of the darkness, I could make out clusters of plastic-wrapped planks of wood. Scattered around them were burn marks, tears, and holes.
The signs of our battle.
“Where’d it go?” I wondered. “Do you sense it?”
He shook his head and stared at me with those gorgeous ruby and sapphire eyes of his. “Seems like we’ve got a real sneaky one on our hands.”
I knelt and picked up my weapon. “It couldn’t have gotten that far. Remnants aren’t that fast, are they?”
He grasped the pole of his own scythe tight. “I’ll bet it’s bidin’ its time to catch us by surprise. Keep your guard up.”
“Will do, ‘Superman,’” I said with a wink.
He flashed me a fanged smile. “I’ve got your back, ‘Lois.’ That reminds me…did you ever see that one show where they—”
“Ace!” I yelled. “Watch out!”
A forklift was sent hurtling at us by an invisible hand.
“Holy guacamole!” he cried.
He’d been too slow to react. Even if he moved now, he wouldn’t make it in time.
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